Women should be shameless of their vaginas and vulvas.

One of HH's brand purpose is to break vagina and vulva taboos so women can live the life they want without fear or shame. Through these years, HH has been trying to educate and help break the taboos around women’s intimate areas. They should not be holding us back. It is also the main reason why we started to write blog posts.

Starting from the first day we start selling feminine hygiene products in Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines, from time to time, we received messages from some shy customers. They were facing problems in the intimate area, but they would not want to go to the gynecologist. 

Are you one of them? If not, you are the best! If yes, let us practice how to overcome anxiety about a gynecologist visit. It is a problem all women should get over it.

Here are 5 things we’d recommend to make the whole thing less daunting. 

1. Get a mirror and start to know yourself

This may seem a little weird, but the better you know your own body, the more empowered you’ll be. The main reason why going to the gynecologist is scary is because they hold all this knowledge that you don’t. Get a mirror and try taking a look around. Get yourself a speculum and maybe feel the inside with your fingers gently.

2. Love your lady part

There is no need to be embarrassed by your body part; they are beautiful in all ways. Learn to understand them and love them. Try to have happy, positive thoughts about your body, especially your genitals.

3. Find a doctor who is highly recommended

Ask for a great gynecologist recommendation among your friends and family and go to her. When we say her, we really do mean her — having someone who will not inadvertently make you feel even more self-conscious while your pants are off will make you feel much better.

4. Have a close friend or family member be your wing woman

Ask for help if you need one. Make the appointment for a time they can come along with you. If you’re really scared, then have them come into the exam room with you. Have them hold your hand, make eye contact with you and distract you with small talk during the exam.

5. Tell your gynecologist you’re nervous.

If she knows you’re nervous, she can make a special effort to talk you through what she’s doing as she’s doing it. The best gynecologists do this as a matter of course.

Now you know what to do before a gynecologist visit if you are a little afraid of it. Message us if you have any questions for us. Do not be shy. You can do it.